When Your Students Succeed

May 22, 2019

As a coach and someone who takes great pride in what he does it is humbling and rewarding to see your students do well in competition. I teach players from all across the state of Utah and this last week I had 15 girls from 3A, 4A, 5A and 6A schools whose teams qualified or they qualified individually play in the high school state tournament.  

For some of them it was their first experience with this type competition and for others it was their 2nd or 3rd go around. They all played well and some played extremely well placing very high in state individually. It is always rewarding and at times bittersweet because I know they will be moving onto college golf and saying goodbye to the coach. 

Over the years I have learned that you become a big part of each students life as a coach, a friend, a mentor and someone that is preparing them for life. As they are leaving for college to play golf I remind them of my motto. "Play Golf And Live Life In The Fairway". It is a simplification of the game and how to approach life. Always make golf and life easy on yourself by staying out of the rough and hitting it down the middle. The person in the fairway always succeeds, but the person constantly putting themselves in the rough or out of bounds struggles at golf and life. 

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