Players Week!

Mar 13, 2019

The week of The Players! Just saying it is fun and wow what a course. 

For anyone who has been lucky enough to play this course and stick one close on #17 you will automatically get goose bumps! I personally think #17 is the best amphitheater in golf and to follow it up with the brilliant 18th hole, wow I can’t think of two better holes to end a round/tournament. 

This week 144 of the best players in the world will tee it up in pursuit of the “5th Major” and that beautiful crystal trophy(not to mention $2.25 million and a 5 year tour exemption). 

The Players has been moved up from May to March and that means unpredictable wind and a different course setup. The players could see a steady 5-10 mph one day and the next 10-15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.

Regarding the course setup. The players will have some decisions to make. Instead of the thick deep rough they get in May. The rough is setup at a manageable 2 1/2 inches which will entice players to go for greens but depending on the angles and soft conditions it can put them in some precarious positions. The soft course does make things more interesting and strategic.

There will be a premium on controlling the golf ball and a lot players are emphasizing that especially off the tee. Depending on the softness of the course you may see more drivers over the stinger off the tee. But then again if the wind kicks up who knows what we will see. Danger and additional strokes are lurking all over this course. You could even see players chipping 6 and 5 irons into #17.

TPC Sawgrass doesn’t pair up with a certain type of player. It really is wide open field and whoever controls their ball the best will hoist the trophy. 

Now for my pick and who I think will be the last man standing. Francesco Molinari! That’s right the same man who won last week and comes in brimming with confidence! I like what I’ve seen out him and I hope he makes me look smart this week. 

Get excited it’s Players week.

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