Do You Know How To Handle Yourself On The Course?

Mar 15, 2019

As the golf season is underway a lot of golfers need a reminder on how to conduct themselves on the golf course. 

Fact is most of the courses are private property even though they are open for the public to play. If, you don’t pay or have passes to use the course you are tresspassing(minus the putting green and chipping areas). You don’t want to get caught trespassing.

Now, when it comes to playing the correct tees this is a hot topic. A lot of courses have 4 tees and they should be played according to handicap and ability. It doesn’t matter how far you think you hit it. If you cannot shoot at least mid 70’s or par from a certain set  of tees you should not move back to other tees. It is all about your ability NOT distance and does affect the course pace of play. Please be respectful of other golfers.

If, you take a cart please respect the cart and drive responsibly. The up keep costs of carts is extremely high if they are abused. If, you owned a golf cart you would take great care of it. Have the same mindset with the courses carts. Try to stay on the cart paths as much as possible and use the 90 degree approach driving to tee shots. Park your carts a minimum of 30-50 feet away from the greens and DO NOT park on the fringe or right next to the green. Again please respect the courses and other golfers.

For course up keep please replace all divots from the fairway or fill them with sand/seed. Also fix at least 3 extra ball marks on the greens and throw away all trash. Please don’t litter on the  courses.

Now, for pace of play this is another hot topic and can ruin a good round. You should be able to complete nine holes in under 2 hours regardless of playing ability. I think a foursome that is walking should be able to play nine holes in 1:45 minutes. If a group catches you there may be an opportunity for that group to play through unless there is a group in front of your group that is slowing up play. You should always be ready to hit and keep up with the group in front of you. If there is bunch up or bottleneck on the course call the pro shop. 

Courses want golfers playing in foursomes, but you will see groups join up and play as fivesomes or sixsomes. This is unacceptable and should be reported to the pro shop. Also if you are a twosome or a single that shows up on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday you should expect to be paired up with another twosome. This is to keep pace of play on schedule and you may make life long friends. Nothing slows up place of play on a busy day like a single golfer going out between threesomes and foursomes. 

This is a good reference guide to help you with course etiquette and respecting other golfers.

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